Service to Humanity is the Best Work of Life
TOFPWATCHNational Convention

Greenlink program shall cause the establishment of a global link up of corporate and organized groups, actively engaged I a 24/7, borderless, pro-environment initiatives and programs aimed at mitigating global warming and climate change. It is an everyday commitment, which incorporates love for the environment into the organization’s corporate policy.

Greenlink encourages moderate consumption and more efficient use of resources. It invites other adherents into the loop. It advocates immediate and continuous actions, such as but not limited to: Minimize use of electricity; Segregate garbage. Save paper. Plant trees. Promote green architecture. Collect rainwater for general cleaning..
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0949-994-6647 / 0977-120-2678
14 Don Alejandro Roces Avenue
Quezon City, 1103
JCI Senate Philippines © 2016