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JCI Senate Overview
JCI Senator Number One was conferred to JCI Sen. Joaquin V. Gonzalez posthumously in September 1952 during the 7th JCI World Congress in Melbourne, Australia. Jake Gonzalez of JCI Manila was a Past National President of JCI Philippines (1951-1952) and a past JCI Secretary-General (1950-1951) whose glorious life was cut short in a plane accident on his way home from the 3rd JCI Philippines National Convention held in Baguio City where he was re-elected as National President. It was unfortunate that he did not witness the birth of JCI Senate in the Philippines but his exemplary life as a JCI leader served as an eternal inspiration to each of its members. For sure, he would have taken pride and joy to what this organization had become.

The idea of having an organization for JCI Senators in the Philippines aimed, among others, at maintaining ties with t he regular JCI organization begun in the mid-‘60s. In 1964, a Liaison Committee of JCI Senators was formed under the umbrella of JCI Philippines.

However, it was only in 1967 when JCI Philippines Past National President, JCI Senator Jesus Perlas, Jr. of Quezon City (Capitol), who was appointed as Chairman of the Liaison Committee by then National President JCI Senator Jose M. Barredo, Jr. of Makati, formally proposed the concept of having an organization for JCI Senators separate from the regular JCI Philippines. This was presented to the floor during the 19th JCI Philippines National Convention held in Baguio City in September 27 to October 1, 1967.

It was during the 20th JCI Philippines National Convention held in Cebu City on September 25 to 29, 1968 that JCI Senators from Iloilo City presented their drafted constitution for the Senate organization. Hence, it was during this time that the “JCI Senate of the Philippines” was formed, its tentative constitution was adopted and JCI Senator Aurelio O. Periquet, Jr. of Manila was elected as Chairman/President, along with the other charter officers; Vice President JCI Sen. Jose C. Sering (Surigao), Treasurer JCI Sen. Tony O. Limtong (Cebu), Directors: JCI Sen. Johnnie M. Dimalanta (Baguio), JCI Sen. Rene O. Fournier (Cagayan de Oro), JCI Sen. Eduardo N. Fructuso (Cebu), JCI Sen. Eduardo J. Taylor, Jr. (Quezon City Capitol), JCI Sen. Santiago C. Goking (Cagayan de Oro), JCI Sen. Maximiano G. Llorente (Tarlac), JCI Sen. Buenaventura B. Loberiza (Manila), JCI Sen. Justo M. Ortiz (Cebu), JCI Sen. Clarito R. Robles (Lucena). JCI Sen. Jose E. dela Rosa (Cotabato), JCI Sen. Arturo M. Sanvictores (QC Capitol), JCI Sen. Cayetano J. Tuazon (QC Capitol) and Auditor JCI Sen. or Rodolfo B. Jacob (Manila).

On February 7, 1969 a special meeting was held in Manila. It was then that the Constitution and By-laws, as amended, was approved. Amendments included the change in the official name of the organization from “JCI Senate of the Philippines” to “Philippine Jaycee Senate” and the positions “Chairman” and “Vice-Chairman” to “President” and “Vice-President”, respectively. On February 19, 1969, the organization was incorporated and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Thus, the JCI Senate Philippines became an organization of Jaycee International (JCI) current or past members who, during their regular Jaycee years, performed exceptional achievement, outstanding works and contribution to the chapter, to the Jaycee movement as a whole and to the community in the spirit of selfless giving, that advance the purposes of the organization.

In view thereof, has been awarded the JCI Senatorship and called a JCI SENATOR, confers Life Membership and with a permanent JCI Number. the highest and the most coveted award of recognition bestowed by Jaycee International (JCI).

The award of JCI is an honor that requires the approval of the local, national and international presidents. About one percent (1%) of all Jaycees ever achieve this status of the more than five (5) million young people who have been Jaycees since thet Jaycee inception in 1939. To date this honor has been awarded to about 70,000 Jaycees in more than 84 countries.

Through the years, the JCISP had not only strengthened bonds amongst its members, but also with the entire JCI global community. More importantly, it had made a tremendous impact in our very own beloved country. History shows that the JCISP had evolved significantly and simultaneously with our country. It had its share of ups and downs and yet always emerged as stronger and persevering as ever.

Iit is the hope of every JCI Senator that f uture generations shall take pride in what we have achieved - that they will pick up from where we left off and shall continuously carry the torch of jayceeism, adapting to the call of the times perpetually.
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Contact Info
0949-994-6647 / 0977-120-2678
14 Don Alejandro Roces Avenue
Quezon City, 1103
JCI Senate Philippines © 2016